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作者:陈鹏  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2010/1/3 21:52:16  文章录入:陈鹏  责任编辑:陈鹏


65. Mickey Knox (伍迪·哈里森) and Mallory Knox (朱丽叶特·刘易斯)

64. Harry Burns (比利·克里斯托) and Sally Albright (梅格·瑞安)

《当哈利碰上莎莉》 (1989)

“I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out.

I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich...

I love that after I spend the day with you,

I can still smell your perfume on my clothes.”

63. Lucy Eleanor Moderatz (桑德拉·布洛克) and Jack Callaghan (比尔·普尔曼)

《二见钟情》 (1995)

“Peter once asked me when I fell in love with Jack. And I told him,

‘It was while you were sleeping.’”

62. Scott Wormer (戴文·萨瓦) and Roberta Martin (克里斯蒂娜·里奇)

《那些日子以来》 (1995)

“Why do you think we fight all the time?”

“Just something to do, I guess. Why?”

“'Cause... 'cause I think you are a real nice girl.”

61. Doug Dorsey (D.B. 斯维尼) and Kate Moseley (莫伊拉· 凯利)

《冰上奇缘》 (1992)

“Somewhere in the middle of this I have fallen in love with you.

I’m saying I love you. I’m saying it out loud.”

60. Landon Carter (夏恩·韦斯特) and Jamie Sullivan (曼迪·摩尔)


“Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself.

Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I'm sick.

To help me through all this. You're my angel.”

59. Jonathan Trager (约翰·库萨克) and Sara Thomas (凯特·贝金赛尔)

《缘分天注定》 (2001)

“You don't have to understand. You just have to have faith.”

“Faith in what?”


58. Kat Ellis (黛博拉·梅辛) and Nick Mercer (德蒙特·莫罗尼)

《结婚纪念日》 (2004)

Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close... your... eyes. You're safe.

You can relax. I'm not going to kiss you.

He's gonna be so sorry he lost you, so stop worrying.

Forget the past. Forget the pain.

And remember what an incredible woman you are.”

57. Rick Blaine (亨弗莱·鲍嘉) and Ilsa Lund (英格丽·褒曼)

《卡萨布兰卡》 (1942)

“Here's looking at you, kid.”

56. Henry Roth (亚当·桑德勒) and Lucy Whitmore (德鲁·巴里摩尔)

《初恋50次》 (2004)

“Being with you is the only way I could have a full and happy life.

You're the girl of my dreams... and apparently, I'm the man of yours.”

55. Cliff Poncier (马特·狄龙) and Janet Livermore (布里吉特·芳达)

《单身一族》 (1992)

“Bless you.”

54. Viola De Lesseps (格温妮斯·帕特洛) and Will Shakespeare (约瑟夫·费因斯)

《莎翁情史》 (1998)

“I love you, Will, beyond poetry.”

53. Melanie Smooter (瑞茜·威瑟斯彭) and Jake Perry (乔什·卢卡斯)

《情归阿拉巴马》 (2002)

“The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago,

my whole heart, and I never really got it back.”

52. Amanda Woods (卡梅隆·迪亚茨) and Graham Simpkins (裘德·洛)

《恋爱假期》 (2006)

“I can't figure out the mathematics of this, I just know I love you.”

51. Satine (妮可·基德曼) and Christian (伊万·麦克格雷格)

《红磨坊》 (2001)

“Love is a many splendor thing. Love lifts us up where we belong.

All you need is love!”

50. Gray (珍妮弗·加纳) and Fritz (蒂莫西·奥利芬特)

《抓放爱》 (2006)

“I left out the complicated stuff, like how it took losing you

forever for me to truly find you. I told them I loved you and that's the truth.”

49. John Smith (布拉德·皮特) and Jane Smith (安吉丽娜·朱莉)

《史密斯夫妇》 (2005)

“Tell me the first thing you thought, the first time we met.

Because I'll tell you what I thought. I thought ...

That is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.”

48. Cher Horowitz (艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通) and Josh (保罗·路德)


“Some people are not lucky enough to be as naturally adorable as you are.”

“Stop it, you're making me blush.”

47. Samantha Andrews (詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特) and Ian Wyndham (保罗·尼科尔斯)

《如果能再爱一次》 (2004)

“I have to tell you this and you need to hear it. I loved you since I met you,

but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today.”

46. Danielle De Barbarac (德鲁·巴里摩尔) and Prince Henry (多格雷·斯科特)

《灰姑娘:很久很久以前》 (1998)

“I kneel before you not as a prince, but as a man in love.

But I would feel like a king if you, Danielle De Barbarac, would be my wife.”

45. Jennifer Cavalleri(艾丽·麦古奥) and Oliver Barrett IV (瑞安·奥尼尔)

《爱情故事》 (1970)

“Love means never having to say you're sorry.”

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